
What are the Different Types of Corporate Culture?

Looking at the different types of company culture is an important thing for an owner of a business, or the management team, to understand. Building a corporate culture that fits with the ideals and long-term targets of the company must come from the top of the organisation and be delivered in a genuine way that every employee can get behind. Here, we’ll take a look at some different types of corporate culture and how they could fit with your company. Once you understand what company culture you want to implement within your organisation, you can devise and implement strategic professional training for leadership positions and build a corporate culture that sticks over a long period of time.

The culture of your company has an impact on all areas of the business, both positive and negative. Implementing a corporate culture that is most effective for your employees and inspires them to the highest level of consistent performance is the ultimate goal. Your corporate culture should have clarity but also open to be improved upon at all times and flexible. Being able to articulate what you want from your employees and how to improve individuals for the better of the team is an important part of corporate culture. Teaming up with the right type of training partner will help you to achieve your goals.

The first type of corporate culture to consider is a team-first approach, where employees are hired based on their fit to the culture and the team ethics, rather than necessarily the skills and experience that they have as an individual. In these settings you are likely to experience plenty of team bonding situations, team meetings and open lines of communication where employees feel a central part of the team at all times.

A horizontal corporate culture is one where there is a collaborative nature to most of the work. Employees might be expected to take part in tasks and meetings that would naturally be beyond their own personal remit. It is a culture that is often seen in start-up businesses and within the digital sector and is one where every single person is vital to the forward-movement of the organisation and keeping customers happy, even if their skills lie somewhere else primarily.

An elite corporate culture is where a company looks to hire the very best in each position, based on experience and qualification, bringing together a fully formed, oven-ready set of employees who are expected to deliver to a high standard immediately. There are other types of corporate cultures, but these main types should get you started with your conversation about what you want your organisation to look like to your employees.

Understanding corporate culture allows you to explore different options for your own company as it grows. There will be some types of culture that would not work within your industry or specific company, others that take time to develop, and some cultures in the workplace that require time to develop through careful business training and long-term development of employees in an approach that grows internal leadership and maintains high levels of employee retention. Corporate culture is important, especially when considering how many people are working from home now and for the foreseeable future, your culture must be able to withstand that level of scrutiny and self-motivation.

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