
Common Epoxy Anchoring Mistakes Installers Make

These days, a lot of contractors prefer to embed plate anchoring solutions because cast-in-place options are costly and take time to install. They find these solutions frustrating, especially on wood frame projects that can cause construction timelines to get delayed. As a result, contractors look to drill and epoxy solutions to speed up project timelines and mitigating problems associated with anchoring.

Concrete anchor epoxy is more affordable, quicker, and easier to install, which makes it a famous choice for install crews. However, the epoxy must be installed and cured properly; otherwise, it will not maintain the required load value to guarantee the anchor’s structural integrity. The following are the common mistakes that can be made during epoxy installation:

Not Drilling Deep Enough

Anchors have a required embedment depth and diameter that impact their capacity within the concrete foundation. A lot of installers fail to drill enough to meet this requirement. To make sure the anchor will retain its required value, it is imperative to take the time to measure and accurately drill the hole.

Failing to Clean the Hole Properly

For the full embedment depth of the anchor, it is important to ensure the hole is free of concrete dust and small trash. If debris is mixed with epoxy, its curing strength will be reduced. The hole must be brushed and cleaned based on the manufacturer’s specifications before installing the anchor.

Not Making Sure the Concrete Hole is Dry

Standing water is commonly seen in job-sites. It can be due to natural rain or from clean-up crews. Standing water can easily fill or partially fill a drilled hole. Before installing epoxy, it’s essential to make sure the hole is dry. Water must be removed using a vacuum and/or compressed air before cleaning.

Not Paying Attention to the Temperature

The epoxy may not be properly cured due to ambient temperatures. During installation, the temperature of both the concrete and epoxy should be within their allowable installation temperature range. To maintain the temperature range, the epoxy must always be stored inside a job site trailer or under controlled temperature.

Not Waiting for Epoxy to be Fully Cured

Adhesive can be curd from 4-48 hours, so the anchor should not be disturbed, torqued, or loaded until the epoxy has fully cured. To accurately prepare project timelines, installers must check curing time tables for the manufacturer’s recommendations.

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