Your company’s purchasing expenditure accounts for a huge percentage of your sales revenue. Any savings you make in purchasing expenses have a direct impact on your business profitability. Because chemical products are complex in nature, you or your procurement manager must make the right priority. You must look for the right chemical supplier at the price and set optimal contractual terms. If you are looking for a supplier of bulk chemicals, you must think about some factors to maximize cost savings and ensure consistent product quality. Here’s what you should keep in mind when partnering with a chemical supplier.
Experience and Reputation
The chemical product supply market is dynamic and as new players are emerging, the supply chain management can be disrupted. New players can provide increased cost-savings; however, their experience can result in procurement hiccups. An established supplier can offer better after-sales service, provide total compliance and quality certifications, as well as offer increased flexibility.
Cost and Quality
When it comes to chemical purchasing, quotations from suppliers are the most influential factor. The end product’s prices will depend on the purchase of raw materials. However, this does not mean you should compromise on quality for the sake of cost-savings. Quality adherence is justified by meeting product specifications and quality of packaging, marketing material efficacy, and labeling accuracy. This is where AdChem can help you with. The company has years of experience in packaged gas distribution and has direct industry knowledge in solvent distribution. Both its industry experience and knowledge ensure the highest level of product quality. The company knows exactly the repercussions of non-standard packaging or labeling.
Versatility and Service Level
When you pick a chemical supplier, you must consider things like supplier fill rates, issue resolution timeframe, and late orders. Such factors directly impact supplier scores and customer satisfaction scores. You want to partner with a supplier who can consistently deliver on scheduled dates because this can save your company valuable inventory costs. The best supplier invests in constant innovation to survive in a competitive environment. It is looking to develop a strategic partnership with clients to ensure constant and undisturbed cash flow. Look for a chemical supplier that has specific expertise for knowledge sharing and co-creation. The right company to partner with one who wants to build a long-term relationship with your organization. Also, they prioritize the safety handling of hazardous liquids to adhere to the regulatory requirements of both federal and state authorities.